Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tribute by Frankie Grammon

Jan. 28, 2008
Dear Precious Family,
Dad and I are so very blessed, beyond anything that we ever imagined. God is so good and we love Him so much, for many answered prayers through the years, when we didn't think some of you would make it. You all know about some of those times. We had to leave Iowa, because the doctor said we had to get David to a better climate, in November of all things and we travelled through ice and lots of snow and the closer we got back to Washington State the better he got, including the wreck in a blizzard in Wyoming, of all things, but we made it. Praise God! Then in Wapato we had to sell the farm and go to Arizona because Deanna was so very ill and God wanted her to make it too! Then in Vancouver Polly walked in front of that truck and scared David and Arnie, who saw it happen and she was in a full body cast for most of a year, but God wanted her to live! Every one of you were meant to be and I will tell you now that you are all good singers, because that is another answer to my prayers. Early on I was listening to a family at church, that were singing , where I don't remember, and I remember asking God for a singing family like that! So there is your answer to why!!
All our Love and Thankfulness,
Mom and Dad

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